My canvas woos me into the subconscious realm,
revealing mysteries that lie within…


Crimson SC
“Crimson” captures the haunting imagery of the days in June 1984 when the sky above Sri Harimandar Sahib Complex in Amritsar and the waters below turned fiery red and orange from the devastation and loss. Spirits, depicted in white, rise solemnly towards the skies, representing the souls of those who perished. The vibrant, chaotic hues of red symbolize both violence and profound loss, while the contrasting white figures evoke a sense of transcendence and remembrance.

Title: Crimson
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas


OP Oceans

“Oceans” emerge.
I witness
The turbulence.
I hear
The roar.
I dive
To depths unknown.

Title: Oceans
Size: 20 x 16
Medium: Acrylic on canvas


OP Creation

“What was the time, what was the hour
What was the date, what was the day
What was the season, what was the month
When Creation was born?” – Japu Sahib

Title: Creation
Size: 20 x 16
Medium: Acrylic on canvas

Tree of Life

OP Tree of Life

Between the lines on the canvas lingers an experience of a shared presence and deep attunement, a setting saturated with the sacred.

Title: Tree of Life
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: Acrylic on canvas

Play of Life

OP Play of Life

Between the lines on the canvas lingers an experience of a shared presence and deep attunement, a setting saturated with the sacred.

Title: Tree of Life
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: Acrylic on canvas

Hues of Love

OP Hues of Love

Ask a lover:
What is love?
She will say:
Love is naïve,
Love is sinless,
Love has no labels,
Love has no definitions.
It is the fire
of my being.

Title: Hues of Love
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: Acrylic on canvas

Cosmic Serpents

OP Cosmic Serpents

Canvas beckoned.
I yielded.
Paint flowed.
Love immersed.
Heart glowed.
Canvas revealed.
“Cosmic Serpents.”

Title: Cosmic Serpents
Size: 20 x 16
Medium: Acrylic on canvas

The Source

OP The Source

Colors invade my consciousness.
I see paintings even in my dreams.
I take the plunge and enter into the world of acrylic paints.
“The Source” appears.
Serenity descends.
Tears flow.

Title: The Source
Size: 20 x 16
Medium: Acrylic on canvas

The Swan

OP The Swan

With raw emotions
I seek my canvas.
Colors and tears blend.
I wait…
What emerges silences me.
My head bows.
My canvas reveals,
A swan evolving.
Immersed in Color-Love,
Her darkness is fading.
I see her smile.
It comforts me.
It will not be long
Before she soars.

Title: The Swan
Size: 20 x 16
Medium: Acrylic on canvas

The Blossoms

OP The Blossoms

Seasons come.
Seasons go.
In Command
I breathe.
In Command
I rejoice.

Title: The Blossoms
Size: 16 x 20
Medium: Acrylic on canvas


OP Water Lilies

Sun glowing.
Water-lilies dancing.
Zephyr courting.
Nature rejoicing.

Title: Water-Lilies
Size: 32 x 32
Medium: Acrylic on paper


OP Ik Onkar painting final

Listening deeply,
Sound enters,
Veil lifts,
Love emerges,
Sorrow departs,
Wisdom enters,
Contentment embraces.
Realms revealed,
Vastness experienced.
Beyond words,
Beyond descriptions…
The Experience.

Title: IkOankar
Size: 18 x 24
Medium: Acrylic on canvas


OP Waters

The sound of invisible waters
the primordial sound of existence.

toss the bricks of my burden
this river of silence
I breathe.

Title: Waters
Size: 24 x 18
Medium: Acrylic on canvas