Don’t Leave Tonight

My Love…
Don’t leave tonight,
Please don’t,
Stay awhile longer,
Please stay.
Keep holding me close to you,
Stay awhile longer.

These moments with you are precious,
Please stay awhile longer.
Realize why I am asking you to stay,
For, I crumble, seeing you leave,
Please my Love, stay awhile longer,
Please stay.

Life is trapped by time,
These few moments are all we have,
Let’s not lose them, my Love,
Or else we will regret them
for the rest of our lives.

Tonight, utter not that you are going to leave,
Stay my Love, please stay.
The night is beautiful,
Fragrant and radiant,
A night made just for us.

My Love, let’s stop time tonight,
So, you can continue holding me.
Please stay with me tonight,
For I know not what tomorrow will bring.

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