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The Canyon Speaks

The Canyon speaks image

Sacred places and sanctified spaces are never chosen; they are merely discovered. The intricacies of sacredness are exemplified by those rare beings who know they have never been separated from its life-sustaining powers. Their voices reflect the perpetual wisdom of timeless traditions that are entwined with the terrain of Creation. The deepest secrets of life are hidden in the earth’s crevices.

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Joined at the Heart

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He: “When a woman calls a man her heart, what does she mean?”
She: “It means that she has risen above the physical relationship and has entered another dimension of love. In this realm, she strengthens his consciousness and becomes a part it. She nurtures and enables him to reach his highest potential without losing her own identity. It is the ultimate true intimate relationship between a man and a woman, which is very rare and least spoken about.”

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